A Major Source of Energy Is Right Under Your Feet:
Your own backyard has the potential to be your source of heating and cooling comfort. Now you can get safe, reliable, energy efficient heating and cooling from one piece of equipment. Geothermal energy represents the leading edge of heating and cooling technology. It moves heat energy to and from the earth to heat and cool your indoor environment. And compared to ordinary systems, geothermal technology can save you 30% to 60% on your monthly energy bills. Geothermal is the safest, cleanest, most reliable space conditioning system you can buy.
Geothermal energy is an unlimited resource. The lot surrounding a suburban home or other building contains a vast reservoir of low temperature thermal energy, typically 10 times that required over an entire heating season. This resource is constantly re-supplied by the sun, the surrounding earth, and heat rejected while cooling during the summer. The universal definition of a building’s total heating and cooling needs, GHP systems are truly geothermal energy made practical.
Four Times The Efficiency:
A geothermal system uses the Earth’s thermal properties in conjunction with electricity to provide unprecedented efficiency. For every unit of electricity the system uses, it provides four units of heating energy, giving a geothermal system a 400% efficiency rating on average. These numbers can translate into real savings on your utility bills year-round.
Benefits of Geothermal Ownership:
Lower Operating Costs: Geothermal heat pumps operate more efficiently than ordinary heating and air conditioning systems, 30% to 60% in most cases.
Comfortable: Because the unit uses the relatively stable temperature of the earth as an energy source, you are assured of constant, even winter heating and better humidity control in summer.
Safe and Clean: No flame, no flue, no odors, just safe reliable operation year after year.
Flexibility: The unit provides heating, central air conditioning, and hot water all from the same compact unit.
Economical Heating: Water heating can be a significant energy expense. Geothermal units can reduce the high cost of water heating by as much as 66%.
Attractive: The completely self-contained indoor unit needs no noisy, unsightly outside condensing unit.
Environment: The system emits no carbon-dioxide – a gas which is a major contributor to environmental air pollution.